Monday, August 24, 2009


My life has recently entered into a definite state of transition. This is truly an exciting time of changes for me. A time of closing doors and opening new ones.
As I stated in my previous post, I will no longer be making stamps. And, after even more deep thought, introspection, and listing to my intuition, I've realized that it has come time for me to close the doors to my Etsy shop all together.
This is a huge decision for me, and was not taken lightly by any means! But, I am a firm believer that shutting the door to something that no longer fits my life's path will open another door. I have no idea what that new 'door' looks like just yet, but I can't wait to see!

I haven't yet set a date to close up shop (sometime within the next couple of weeks is the plan). So, please stop by to see if there is anything you'd like, since they'll all be gone soon.

This blog will remain, although it will definitely shift. I'll share more about my journey through this state of transition and be sure to write a post all about that new Door once I find it!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

End of an Era

...Well, sort of.
After much deep thought and debate, I have decided to stop making hand carved stamps. I realized that I need to find something more creatively challenging for myself, and carving stamps takes up much of the time I could be using to find that creative challenge.
Thanks so much to my stamp customers. It really was a delight creating stamps for you, and working to make custom stamps was a great experience as well.
But, it is time for me to move on in my creative journey
Note: I have decided to sell my personal stamp stash, and as of this post a few stamps are still available in my shop.

Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm Loving this song right now!

Humble Beginnings

While helping my mom clean out a room in her house I can across a few of my old crocheted creations. I must have made these well over 10 years ago!
It's sometimes amazing to look back at items like these and see how much a talent can progress.
Often I find myself wanting to be able to create amazing works of art with a brand new (to me) medium, and forget that it takes time to get really good. And that time is important. So much is learned with each project no matter how hideous it may look to me today! Each one is a step toward mastery of that craft.