Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dreamy Teas

I'm super excited to finally share my new Etsy shop! I love herbs and herbal teas. I've been drinking and concocting my own recipes for years, so it just seemed fitting to begin sharing my herbal blends with others!

I am proud to say that all of my teas are packaged in 100% biodegradable bags and I use only Certified Organic & Wild Harvested herbs.

The first tea that's available in the shop is a Dream blend. I thoroughly researched folklore, myths, and common herbal information to create this blend. I included herbs that have been known for centuries to enhance dreams, calm and relax, and protect from night-mares. It's a fragrant tasty blend of herbs that's perfect to accompany a cozy chair and good book in the evening.

I've got lots of ideas and recipes brewing so I'll be adding more to the shop very soon!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, right up my alley!! :0) I can't wait to try some. Good luck with your new sounds like your teas are very unique!!
